Friday, April 8, 2011

Islamic Wedding Messages Sms

and goodies ..... ANNIVERSARY MEETING

show before gifts Anniversary Meeting of the Craft ..... as promised ..... I had to explain that half of the girls in the group live in Maracaibo and other on the east coast ..... what I want to say is that we divide the Rafael Urdaneta Bridge ... Some live in that .. other side of the bridge and live on this side ..... Sometimes we tell them that touches touches here and there ...... and that's what I want to understand or imagine what ...... Each Once there is a meeting ..... it's up to a group make the trip .....

not imagine that many hours of travel just noooooo ..... ....... and a half hours or less. ...... and we are looking to share joys .... and more ....

Now that we know what we do to ourselves ..... ..... I'll show toooodoo
The meeting was in charge of the group on this side .... or East Coast .... the girls received a fixed table ..... each one of us put a gift to have a detail of us ..... .....

Here are some examples of each of the knots we made of goodies ....

I took a magnet for all .... Someone told me: Women of magnets !!!..... but I like to be reminded every time you go to hahaha ..... the refrigerator do it with pleasure and I love them .....

cumpleñeras For .....

A decoupage hearts to Ingrid .....

A portacosméticos to Lisbeth .....

And for the draw .....

This hen grab y. .....

... this farm.

I received lots of gifts for my birthday and they are all very spoiled .... lol

The cup was the one who was not welcome here ..... but you can see it ... it's preciousness and napkin ..... .... .
super chic

Look how beautiful fabric involving the organizer came with materials inside .... ....
Jewelry, tissue paper for decoupage ...... ..... a matrioshka

.... This beautiful little plant some nice patch posatazas ....

hahaha that box came with sweets ..... but no longer exist!
I think that this entry was a bit long ..... and I have many things to show I have pretty soon ...... lol cooking projects
Thanks for your visits and comments ...
Happy weekend!
God bless!


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