Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why Does My Clitoris Have White Stuff In It?

"craftsmen of Zulia

díaaaa .... Happy to all!
Last weekend the "Craft of Zulia" came together on the East Coast of Lake exactly Aura house which although not in the country miss her a lot and always have in mind .... . very soon God willing we will have between us .... This time our host was Sandra .... .... seemed a little machine here and there .... but we attended a wonderful .... besides giving us great news ..... we will be aunts again!!

So arranged the table with details of each group who were in the organization .....
In the next post I will be showing in more detail the ragalitos we include in the table ....

The joy, friendship, love, learning, food, gifts are adjectives that characterize our meetings is something magical ..... invade me in the time we are together ... .. I encantaaaaa!!

The artisan toast to life and health to continue sharing by muchisísisisisimos more years ..... till death do us part!

At each meeting one of the girls taught some work ..... we are very entertaining and focused on the activity ...

This time we choose to learn to do the hand ...... White ..... This doll named for the daughter of Sandra as Lady Tea .... is made over a pot recyclable serves to keep what we want ..... is very tender and we keep the secrets jajajaja

This was the cake made with love to celebrate our second anniversary ... .. I made a collage of photos for always missing the meeting ..... and we had not managed to take a picture with every bit we all return Aura ..... ....... when we have to do the job jajaja
pending additional surprise
And I invited my sobrinoide who is about to be a musician .... for some little songs we sing and cheer a bit ...... the event .... you know ... .. intend to do something different .....

The truth is that it made a great effort to be there with us .... it does not get along with .... jijiji craft you are into músicaaaaaa!!

And ...... all posing for one of our most complete pictures wanted!

I will leave the artisans links .... so if you want to visit ..... Each has a different style and that's the nice thing .... learn from each other ....
http:/ / /

Magalys and Xiomara not have a blog ..... Maga must also know and work through the Blog Magalis Marisol is the official blog to display your creations ....
..... Maga recently arrived from Peru and brought me the gifts that I showed you posted .... ..... Claudia Celia and
Thank you for your comments .... in the next installment I'll show you the gifts I received and I gave a lot of love ....
Have a great day ....
God bless you all!


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