As no, if Gospel passage where Jesus' voice full of fire and movement, we can leave an unstoppable thirst for percussion, and emulating the restless soul of who wants to fight for a better world! Who has delighted listening to the drums of Mike Portnoy may well join his father's life screams Hurtado on whether Chile a Catholic country, or the image of Jesus that strongly says " You are the light of world." In fact, not anything the Romans wanted to kill the peaceful who was altering the powerful Roman peace, breaking the silence with a message of peace, critical, loud, cause of scandal and full of strength and love.
How many Christian mystics and saints did not have the soul giddy and full of fire to announce and denounce?!. That's why I'm not surprised to find in the backpack of a young person looked and committed to the Gospel, the New Testament with his progressive rock cassette (the former much more noisy and hopeful that the second, all in a single pack .)
With such strong words, sometimes the soul and stirs us out of the body to run to take the flag of a message that never stops moving and illuminating. It would be interesting that when the aunt says, " is this little boy is a saint " another person answers: "Holy ?! Then tie it before you leave the shits with their proposals "
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