How can we understand that the reign of Jesus? Jesus criticized all power as to constitute any kind of slavery or subjugation of others. After multiplication of the loaves, John says: "When Jesus saw they wanted to get your hands to make him king, retired to the mountain he just ."
Have we not taken the place of the soldiers of Praetorian in his macabre joke, putting a golden crown and a scepter laden with bright? Or I did not understand anything about the gospel or the scepter and the crown is much more insulting to Jesus, the cane and thorns.
When Pilate puts the title on the cross, " This is the king of the Jews ", it is to mock him and the Jews. Is it not also call it a mockery king of the universe?
It says: "Jesus Christ, King of the Universe", but the readings end up talking about a pastor . Can you imagine two contradictory figures? That is the key. The Gospel tells us that whoever wants to enter the Kingdom, it has to behave as a vassal of a superior, but as a servant of the weakest.
Undoubtedly, the Kingdom of God was the main concern of Jesus in his preaching. The image of God as king of Israel goes back to the days of the entry into Palestine of the Jewish people. For a nomadic nothing could mean the idea of \u200b\u200ba king, but when they come into contact with the social structures of people living in cities, the same Jews ask God for a king. This was interpreted by the prophets as a betrayal. Since then becomes enriched that idea and ends up being the key image for the whole apocalyptic. The end of history will be a Kingdom of God which eventually overcome all others.
Only in this cultural context can we understand the preaching of Jesus about the Kingdom of God. However, the content gives you is quite different. In Jesus' time the future kingdom of God is understood as a victory of the Jewish people on the Gentiles and a victory of good over evil. Jesus preached a Kingdom of God, which being left out in what is believed will come good and penitent prostitutes, repentant sinners, the outcast ... The Gentiles are called and many Jews left out.
But the fundamental characteristic of the Kingdom preached by Jesus is that is here. Do not expect an eschatological time, but has already begun. Moreover, the idea qualifies as an external realm is absolutely minimized. " say is not here or is there because look at the kingdom of God is within you . "
is a reign of love. There is a realm of natural persons, but of attitudes toward life. When I go to I need to worry about, I present the kingdom of God and when I worry about me, trampling on others around me exclude the Kingdom of God.
When Pilate asks if he is king, Jesus answered: " my kingdom is not of this world ." By insisting Pilate says, "Yes, I am king, I for this I came into the world to witness the truth."
The Jews believed that God would accept them and reject the pagans. Matthew makes another very different approach: they belong to the kingdom all who care for the weak.
The Kingdom 'which is God' is fully present every time a man acts from his true self. Jesus did this and did this Teresa of Calcutta. The Kingdom is made present here and now depends solely on you. It is not even necessary to recognize Christ, just go out to the brother who needs you. Every human being who has displayed his true humanity, makes this the Kingdom. The only thing taken into account when assessing a human being is his humanity. Look
well, that these requirements do not appear, even remotely, any religious connotation. Membership or not the UK, does not depend a religious attitude, but a critical attitude with respect to the weak. The only thing we ask is the concern for the other.
Christianity We achieved a comfortable putting God in heaven. It would be too dangerous to discover God incarnate in each human beings around us. But there is no escape. God is the incarnation and we must find the creatures. " Whenever you did one of these my brethren, you did me."
( text Missionaries underway.