Feng Shui and Money

... E rough that the little that I have shared with you and I have served as incentive to continue on this path laid out by yourself.
usually speaks of the designs of Heaven or the Earth Luck , but rarely speak or we refer to the attitude man or woman be taken under the circumstances or opportunities the Feng Shui us.
And one of the major approaches that always makes us a query is regarding the issue of money and I always sec uira being well. Because many of the people very well win despite having a good salary every month, this is unable to cover their "necessary expenses" they say.
And then you realize that most people what they call "necessary expenses" always grow in direct proportion to ng income.
N ormally each of you along with their good families, have more desires than your earnings can meet. Po r so their profits are spent on meeting these desires as far as you can and even made it retained many unfulfilled desires.
C very person is charged with more desires than they can actually satisfy. There are time limits for each, there are limits to the force, there are limits to distance they can travel, there are limits to what one could eat, there are limits to the delight of what one could enjoy.
E n end, the issue is wider than it seems and while still generating more revenue or stabilize their situation Feng Shui but lacks the proper attitude was not long before time to return to the same situation of lack of money to cover their "basic needs " with "necessary expenses."

"Life is an opportunity.
Never seek a battle.
Your strength is your intelligence.
Nobody can tell you what to do.
In this is your freedom.
In this is your responsibility. "
Published with permission of the Author
... a few simple lines from our gratitude
C on Gratitude to our dear Professor Consultant and Mr. Luis Pigeon Neyra ...
for his talent, his knowledge and his generosity ... thanks for coming to our lives and be the bearer of good news for health, happiness and well-being ...
... a few simple lines from our gratitude
L wise you are humble and modest, pure and quiet, different in speech, that is to see how humble.
L wise you have open minds and not possessive; this is to see what is missing. Because they see the lowly can reach the heights. Because they see what's missing, can attain goodness and wisdom.
Thanks Dear Professor ...
E n November 2006 for the first initiated contact with the Peruvian in Feng Shui Consultant Traditional Classic Pigeon Professor Luis Neyra, after having continued for some years, his participation in various media network, sharing knowledge, explain methods with infinite patience and clarity of the questions from the audience, while helping and working for free in solution various cases, showing in each of their moral interests, respect and level, we decided to apply his advice. As of today we can not only attest to his stature as a professional, but also for his kindness, poise and sportsmanship combined with his talent, why not forget that Feng Shui is not only the demonstration of a (s) but the application taenicide an ART.

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