To take the reading from the Front this house we are located in the center of the facade,
giving back to the house and the compass heading to the front.
In this case the front line with the front of the house. It also helps us define the number of openings you have (doors, windows and activity). This front facing the street, but we look indicates which is the face that is this house has front defined and clear, from this side we get the point of reference for our reading in grades well as the Fund or seat in the house that is opposite the front reading. We suggest you read several times from the front side and bottom to verify.
By reading our front we sectorizar on the plane and get 8 directions, or nine palaces, giving each orientation (north, south, east, west ...). This is useful if we position ourselves in our favorable directions ... Plano
We consider all the space under roof, included central courtyards are in the center of our home. No yards and left outside the house, for this there are some rules of proportion that will tell us if it is included or not.
Mark center of our Plan and from this midpoint
draw a straight line (indicating the front part and the other the seat or back.
already have the front. Now, to make reading we are in the outer part the house from its front (which in this case are for) and giving looking back and move forward 4 to 5 steps to prevent the structure metal Home destabilize the compass.
stabilized compass (best if you level)
perform the compass reading from the front of our house (we were careful not carry metal objects , avoid the light boxes, proximity of cars ... and what might alter the reading) and note reading.
To verify a good reading in grades performed several times to read, not just the front, but from the front side of the back, incl your seat for contrast. See Illustration
Luo Pan or Compass sectorized 45 degrees

Sectorizado plane 45 - Sectorizado by the square of 3 x 3
With sectored plane and obtained our No Kua Kua number get our position ourselves favorably in our rooms segrún see our favorable directions and guidelines Personal Kua Number . Considerations for location of our beds, see: Bedroom Collection - interior layout
This secotrización and kua number also serves to guide our desks or study area in our direction while we look favorable. Kua Number Guidelines
View Pro Kua Number and Personal Guidance
CUSTOM for a comprehensive survey contact us and inquire .
To locate our bed heads should be directed to one of our addresses favorable.
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