
Trivia First - "Hormigas Blancas"
H ay a true story that ran for about 1700 years. In
Dynasty Gin, the famous teacher named Kuo Pu (the first person
that used the words "Feng Shui") found in a village in southern China
dragon's nest called a "nest of white ants" because there were many
ants there. Began looking for a respectable family and good that deserved
there. Seeing this unknown stranger, an older woman who lived with
his only family, his grandson, in poverty, without knowing anything of Mr. Kuo Pu,
offered food and shelter without asking anything in return.
After to make inquiries with the villagers, Kuo Pu believed
find the right family that nest of dragon - the Lin family.
was the grandson of the old the existence of the nest and gave all the necessary information
as orientation, date, etc.. for the burial of his grandmother in the future.
After several years when he died and his grandson learned in its place
Pu Kuo said, the situation began to improve, the descendants succeeded in
profession. At that time the way up was to review and approve
oppositions for a senior job in the courts. In the family chapel, is
a verse speaking of his success: "Since then, for nearly two thousand years, more than 5 dynasties, the family left 120 ministers, 3 prime ministers, 91 senior officials and
5 with titles of nobility granted by emperors. "
Blessings and Curses
S ccording to Chinese tradition, there is a ceremony for "accepting" a student.
For Feng Shui student oath in the ceremony not only implies
respect to teachers, to do good with what you learn, but also give a dragon's nest to the person who, by their kindness and charity, he deserves it. There are real examples of "curses" that fell on teachers Feng Shui after entering the nest site of dragon evil people. There are real cases where people get a good rightful place without any expert to help him.
I would get anyway.
Second anecdote - "Good Man"
H nce upon a story. One day the Master Hun Yuan Shi Chan met a man working next to his house in the country. The teacher looked at the place a bit, and out of curiosity, took the Luo Pan to know the orientation of the house. As the house is built right in a perfect place with perfect orientation. The teacher came over to chat with the man. Found to have a happy family, children with great success in studies and in their profession. The teacher asked "Who is this teacher who said place where you should build the house? The man said: "I was very poor, no money for a consultation. I took my tool of work and rushed to the spot that my father left me. I started to build the house right where it landed my tool. Nothing" . As an honest man finds his luck but have no idea of \u200b\u200bFeng Shui.
Trivia Third - "Feng Shui Tombs"
same applies if it is a burial site. In a place where the teacher Zheng-Yi Tang went with his master to do field research, his teacher said that there had been a good place (Long Xue) port on which could make houses or graves. However, when they got there, they found an unmarked grave at that place. Asked the people there and a man whose job was to keep cleaning the cemetery and bury the dead without family, he said that within the tomb was found a corpse in the river 6 years ago. Buried it in the first empty space he found. The master teacher Zheng-Yi Tang said the place was perfect, but it had to be oriented towards a specific direction. The man laughed and said that death was tied with a rope to bury him, at first the body was not facing the direction indicated by the teacher, but when you release the rope, the remains were left facing in that direction. The man said "Later a young man came to ask about the dead man was his father. According to him, after the death of his father, the fate of his humble family began to turn around 180 degrees
........" Read more on Yin Feng Shui - Cemeteries Chinese-