E l water tends to decrease. It is the element of humility and perseverance. In the human body is the kidney, where it stores the qi original, which inherited the family lineage. In the kidney are kept fears, both our own ancestral, and is linked to the bones, which are the basis of the structure. upright posture with the spine aligned with the head supported by an invisible thread and relaxed to the ground sacred interests of both bone and kidney, as well as promote the flow of qi (life force) along the column by the Du Mai meridian. When the kidney is healthy and strong energy comes out of confidence, the feeling of being able to do things and that we supported. The kidney connecting with mother earth up through the sole of the foot. water corresponds with the season of winter, cold weather and meditation.
water nourishes the
L to wood grows and expands. Elamento what is volitional, the decision-maker. The body is the liver, the only organ in the body can regenerate itself. The liver stores in its memory the frustration, if not resolved resulting in eno jo, anger and violence. Is related to tendons, which are responsible for giving motion to the physical structure. Be
too long still, atrophy. Staying too long in activity, stress. The balance between doing and not doing is the source of good health. When
healthy liver is acted with kindness, sympathy flows and pro granary stands firm.
Wood corresponds to the spring, the mild climate and expansion.
nourishes wood
E l fire warms and illuminates. Is the element of cl arity and intuition. The body is the heart, the mother of all emotions. A heart kept obfuscated anger, contempt, anxiety and selfishness. Is related to blood vessels, which are responsible for distributing oxygen and food, as they relate to the giving and with the flow.
The heart is the house of Shen, energy espiritual.La mind working from the heart, the mind is divided. A calm heart is the basis for understanding, empathy and compassion.
Fire corresponds to the summer, heat and movement.
feeds the fire
L to earth is the center. The basis of which party and which is returned. The silence, the potential. The body is the spleen and stomach whose function is to assimilate the useful to discard the useless. In poor condition keep the anxiety, insecurity, worry. It relates to the muscles, which ultimately shape us.
A good use of the digestive system provides mental clarity, flexibility and adaptability.
Earth corresponds to the transition between seasons, wet and heat stability.
Nourishes the land
E l metal is balanced. It is the element of justice, courage and optimism. The body is the lung, the highest organ of the five. Acts as Prime Minister gob ernando the blood and Qi Qi breathing. In the lung is stored sadness, grief, sadness, emotions that if not resolved are a brake on the process of life. As related, note the hair and skin can be used to check the status of the lungs. Some
healthy lungs provide a sense of vigor, optimism and fairness.
metal corresponds to the fall, cool weather and deep.
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basically useful cycle Wu Xing (the elements). However, there are other cycles reserved for deeper studies and to constitute develop and flourish, more evolved, high wisdom in its application. Introduced into this knowledge requires intelligent design cycle starting from basic questions of Wu Xing as braces.
The tiny particles The tiny particles that make up the vast universe are not at all sensitive. Nor the vast universe is vast. These are concepts that it's like a knife, always gradually reduce the scope of the Tao, trying to do grasped and manageable. But what is beyond form is incomprehensible, and what is beyond knowledge is unmanageable. However, there is this consolation: He who drop the knife find the Tao in the tips of his fingers. Lao Tse |
"Harmony, the balance being the root of everything under the sun, Harmony is the law of nature, law everything that exists, Finding the right balance, from the center immutable. "Confucius |
Greeks (or some Greeks) believed that life consisted of fire, earth and water. Today we would say that this is stupid, you know? fashioned ... But in reality, of course, that life is made exactly, and that is exactly what trees do: connect the land, water and fire - Colin Tudge (The secret life of trees)
Wood as such and not the leaves ...
Well, the basic material from which all plants are made is cellulose.
Cellulose is what makes the paper, you know? And the leaves ... All are made of cellulose.
But wood is a trick, because it contains an additional ingredient is known as lignin, that holds the cellulose fibers and creates this very powerful material, wood.
The principle is exactly the same as the bronze.
Bronze is primarily copper, with small pieces of tin incorporated.
Copper is a light metal, and tin also, so I would think that combining them would end up with something light. But no. The bronze is very, very hard ... what happens is that tin hold together the molecules of copper, and is a very solid.
The tree is cellulose, lignin and keeps them together. That is how this wonderful material: wood. Wood is hard, and allows build almost anything!
leaves retain hydrogen and release oxygen to the fire
sun, electromagnetic radiation: photons. And most importantly, as you said, the essence of it all ... is a process called photosynthesis. Implying that photosynthesis is the leaves trap the sun's photons, and use photon energy to decompose water molecules. And the water molecules are broken down into hydrogen, on the one hand, and oxygen, on the other.
retain hydrogen.
retain hydrogen and release oxygen, which happens to be what all we breathe and what we rely.
As for hydrogen, then combine it with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and from the combination of hydrogen and carbon dioxide produced sugars. Then add some nitrogen to the sugars and proteins are obtained ... or modifying the lipid composition and obtained ... so you get all the stuff of which living things are made by simply attaching carbon dioxide with hydrogen and adding a little nitrogen.
The main task of a tree
Its main task is to keep the leaves high up in the sky, where they can get lots of light, many photons. While the purpose of the trunk and roots (in some trees may fall 30 meters or more, in the deserts down to 30 meters) is to extract soil water to transport it up ... and could raise water to a height of three kilometers , if needed, do not need it, but could do so. Objective
Thus, the objective of the sheet is to create conditions for the ground water and carbon dioxide from the air to join in the presence of sunlight.
Colin Tudge:
In my book I argue that, without wood, simply would not have civilization because ... it can be very good to build houses from snow, if you live in the north ... or from the stone but really can not do any major work of architecture unless at some point the wood is used. If only to the scaffold! Without scaffolding can not even place the stones, for starters. So we never had wood-free architectural importance. We would not have ever been able to build ships to cross seas and oceans ... not safely. So we would not have international communications ... You know? Or international trade ... Maybe in a way that was a good thing, really, but .... would not have civilization without wood.
Wood Be Alive! The
horror and error in the typical sentence: you're a vegetable ... Eduard
If we look at the trees, we have no brain, no nervous system ... and yet, is not that just be there still, you know? They have to think about when the leaves change ... flourish when they have to think ... have to play, I guess ...
Colin Tudge:
course! Eduard
have to grow directionally, in a particular direction, not in any way ... and do everything that without a brain. How the hell do they manage?
Colin Tudge:
is wonderful, wonderful! As you say, if you're a human being, any living being, even if you're just a tree, life is very, very complicated, because you have to cooperate with certain creatures and compete with other ... and you also have to perform the daily task of obtaining substances from the air: it is a very complicated life!
Not only that, not only enough to respond! If you are a tree, you can not say, "Look! Today it's sunny, I think I will take some leaves! "Would be too late. Nor can you say "go, starting to get cold, I will close my leaves ... "I'd be dead before. Eduard
should be anticipated ...
Colin Tudge:
is necessary to anticipate what will happen! And how? For mid-winter, when it seems they are not doing anything, are preparing to take the leaves come spring. And in summer, when it seems they can go on forever, are preparing to move the leaves: preparing for the fall.
And the key is to be the length of day. Know how long the days. Well, not that I know exactly, but may differ if the days are lengthening or shortening.
true reality does not mean doing a lot of money, the true reality means respecting the real physical structure of the world ...
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Because of their hardness
Copper or Bronze?
Bronze is primarily copper, with small pieces of tin incorporated.
Copper is a light metal, and tin as well; so I would think that combining them would end up with something light. But no. The bronze is very, very hard ... what happens is that tin hold together the molecules of copper, and is a very solid.