Sunday, November 28, 2010

Price For A Yamaha Wave Runner Vx110 Deluxe

Red Cross course teaches Dominicna Affiliate Moca "strategic planning" using

Dominican Red Cross on Sunday imparted Moca Branch November 28, 2010 the course "Strategic Planning" taught by Professor Ulises INFOTEP Genao. During

developed at the local Red Cross was attended by 26 trained volunteers who cheerfully.

felecitamos in advance to give us forever INFOTEP support when needed.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Abreva Making Cold Sore Worse

INFOTEP Congratulations to Joel Rafael Santos as one of the 5 young men chosen to represent the Espaillat province in the 2nd. National Youth Congress Youth

II National Congress of Young Green Technology


Young Joel Rafael Santos you've been selected to participate in the II National Congress of Young Green Technology to be held on 10, 11 and 12 December in ITLA, in La Caleta, Boca Chica.

There are only days to the most important event of the end of the year!