Few cathedrals singing and gold
many chapels of mud and table.
trained to indifference, many poor
experts in shared passion.
few calculators and wise counsel,
know many simple faith and hope.
Few doctors too sure of his doctrine,
many witnesses who really listen. Shortly
power of the Pharisees and priests of the race, much
humble service to the brethren.
Few projects and frameworks, many mingas
sweating and singing. Few
ceremonies in palaces and barracks, many parties
villages and slums. Few
blessings of weapons, banks and governments,
many marches for peace, justice and freedom. Shortly
fear God's punishment and death,
much respect the God of love and life. Shortly
back to the people worship at Christ the King eternal
on high;
Much love and follow Jesus of Mary,
Partner, Prophet, Son of the Father.
Little, increasingly, much
each again.
sscc Ronaldo Muñoz, Priest
Mural Rio Blanco, Los Andes, Chile