Alberto Hurtado's discomfort
It's uncomfortable to remember the Father Hurtado. Alberto Hurtado demands something from us and against us. If it did not matter in a personal capacity. What does the name of God and we know, knows
Church that God is on their side.
Today it has nearly tamed the figure doing the patron of the charity. But we must move much land to bury his preaching against injustice. How is it possible to give in charity what justice is due? I recommend reading Social Humanism. Alberto Hurtado took welt especially among some Catholics in prosperous condition. He called his Catholicism social paganism with a mantle of Christianity. " What right? What kind of "good news" is that? God's love is another side: the holy wrath. When someone loves the poor has full authority to raise Cain when he saw the appalling consequences of poverty ultimately caused Alberto Hurtado so called "social sensitivity."
UNCOMFORTABLE only Christians? It is not necessary to be a believer to feel challenged in favor of the poor. Also risen Christ moves men and women of good will to recognize it in the most neglected. Therefore, not surprising that there are non-believers to avoid the issue and, conversely, others believe in Father Hurtado rather than God himself.
What to do for Alberto Hurtado not bother? There are two outputs: one good and one bad. Some Catholics are turning to an ancient pagan trick: the separation of the sacred and the profane. The proce nance is simple. Subtract the presence of God and His Christ of all that is not interested or seems sinful, the poor, for example, and that presence is concentrated solely in chapels, sacred books and things in catalogs purificatory commandments and rituals. To this religious who is not going to church committed "mortal sin" but we live in abundance and excess, while the poor crucified regime even venial sins not. How can so thoroughly change Christianity? It is not possible. This is done on charity work, money, clothes, some cooking if the fix can be used ... The charity is a bad start when using the poor as means
own sanctification. False sanctification! No one can sanctify advantage of others: people are ends, never means. Neither the companies nor the state nor any non-profit organization, no one can honestly claim to help the poor if that seeks, in fact, something else: an investment in money, fame or power before men or favor with God.
La otra manera de superar esta incomodidad es acoger el Evangelio. Cuando alguien recibe a Cristo en el pobre, cuando el Cristo pobre toca el corazón y perdona la egolatría camuflada de generosidad, la incomodidad se transforma en pasión de amor incontrolable por cambiar la suerte de los que la sociedad usa y desusa. Desde entonces ya no habrá que dar limosnas para satisfacer el “qué dirán” ni tampoco para captar la simpatía de Dios. Una vez que el pobre deja de ser mero objeto de ayuda, una vez que se le reconoce como persona capaz de influirnos y enriquecernos con sus ganas de vivir, su pena, su lucha y su esperanza, entonces sí es posible hablar de caridad. Un amigo no me entiende: que los pobres puedan evangelizarnos, seems a ideological view. I might reply with the theology of St. Paul. But ultimately, this is an argument of faith in the strict sense and, above all, a grace. Just wondering: snapped up the rich resources that God created for everyone and not just for them, if they communicate their hopes poor? No. If you really believe in the love of God does not need to make sure life would be lowering the pay of others or taking advantage of his miserable job offer.
Real love has two ways: giving and receiving. But this custom of giving without want to receive and to receive without being able to, ruining both crying asking to unworthy and those who are preserving things personally. To the extent that Chile makes his poor beggars instead of making them worthy beings, able to participate personally in the common destiny, the country degrades above and below. The culture of begging is causing us great harm. In Chile, the distribution of property improvement in some things and sometimes worsen. But the mode of sharing is deleterious: blasting, handouts, paternalism and charity painless.
When the discomfort of the Gospel is host with love, everything changes. Win-win, nobody loses. It is converted to Jesus Christ discovered that what until now I was annoyed and a curse, the poor, now causes him great joy and a source of blessing. In many humanitarian agencies recycles what God has been interested in genuine charity charities. If the goal of pure charity is to share between giver and receiver-love that heals the root of society, "the charity for downloading consciousness or to repair an injustice is aimed at this goal in serving as Christ in the poor, because God is the author of both, and God is able to make love even our ambiguity.
Blessed are the poor in spirit! Those who in imitation of Jesus shed at the sacrifice of what they need, not what is left, to the crucified of today are the resurrected tomorrow. The conversion is expressed in miracles: the homeless man who shares his bread with the poor, the university instead of calculating early retirement on spending their holidays working with the villagers, the professionals who live right and not what you assign a market, because all they care is delivered with soul and body bear who need it most faithful Christians who give 100% to your Church Instead of giving money and walking, a church that welcomes the infinite love the pain and sin of poor and rich, and with tireless patience tends including bridges of solidarity and reconciliation.
is not easy. Believing that "the poor man is Christ" as I thought Fr Howard is first an obligation, a mystic intuition that if you have not received should be asked insistently.
Jorge Costadoat SJ
Posted in Christ for the Fourth Millennium. Seven stories from twenty-one articles , San Pablo, Santiago, 2001.