Sunday, March 22, 2009

What's This Lump On The Side Of My Gum

A Church under Clandestine

The Gospel, indeed, shows us Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah-Servant, who lives and works as a popular prophet, humble and matter of contradiction that God speaks intimacy never seen that marginalized welcomes sinners and eats with . Amid of his people, he is not Master of Law, not the Pharisee movement or the priests of the temple, not religious authority. He is a "lay" of humble people, and invites them to his disciples.

On his way with them, Jesus taught his disciples to egalitarian brotherhood at forgiveness and mutual service, the partnership in mission. Contrary to the Pharisees, it teaches that they have one Father and one Master. Contrary to the priests, he shows them a God who says, " I desire mercy and not sacrifice " Contrary to the rulers, taught that the first position is to feel and act as the servant.

Since Pentecost, in the New Testament appear fraternal communities living in simple warm and sharing with the poorest , where every witness and prophets, praying inspired and servers, with a variety of gifts and ministries. They recognize the authority of the apostles to have walked with Jesus and being with women the first witnesses of His resurrection, they receive a special commission of the Risen Christ and pastor confirming the brethren and go forward in mission. But the spirit of brotherly love, prayer and prophecy, is spilled on everyone: men and women, old and young, Jews and foreigners. With the assistance of all builds community, and missionary witness, visible body of Christ in the world.

The same Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is presented in the New Testament as the only priest of the New Covenant, which defeats the clergy mediator and separated from the former cult. Therefore, the New People of God in Christ is all integers direct access to the Father and consecrated as the People entire prophetic, priestly and royal. So early Christianity spreads among people as a religion without caste or discrimination, without a temple and priests, where ministries Most important are the proclamation of the Gospel: for the "cult" of everyday life and salvation of the world. This horizon

evangelical and collecting the desire of the people of Santiago, between us we have to recover the style and structure of a fraternal and community church, charismatic whole, ministerial and missionary. Where opinions, initiatives and tasks, are welcomed and encouraged, and loosely coordinated by "pastors humble and close , brothers and servants of their communities " (St. Domingo). Where collegial deliberation and community discernment are practiced at all levels, in order to "resolve common most important things contrasting with the view of many "(Vatican II)

Only then can we as a church to be salt and light of the Gospel in this great city so marked by individualism, division and injustice so hurt by the imposition of those who concentrate material goods, knowledge and decisions.
thank you very much!

(fragment) R. Muñoz sscc, Catholic priest

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Brent Everett Brent Corrigam

little Gospel

As he approaches Easter, an old anecdote flourishes wonderfully is able to bring to the table two issues that have happened between late 2008 and early 9. These are: The fierce war between Palestinians and Israelis , and controversial relationship between the Jewish people and the Vatican events by some priests of the line Lefebvre. The anecdote in question I have (which I was told by Carla, a direct source that was there) is not only ad-hock to reflect on these last two conflicts, but also occurred in a via crucis, by the way of Holy Week comes next.

In the league gets used to make a popular way of the cross the street every year and once, I was not clear because, walking among the people involved always Rabbi. It seems that a priest was a friend of the League. For Via Crucis 2001 had partial cloudiness and also the Rabbi had, incredibly among youth and adults, a representative of the Palestinian youth . Ie two "forces" were apparently opposed doing the same via crucis. Before reaching the last station it seems that everything was in order. However, derrepente when they reached the final station, the Carla told me that Rabbi spoke. He knew the crowd was a Palestinian representative. There was partial cloud cover and what happened next: the Rabbi meant for everyone, and say that says something like:

"I want to speak out and take this opportunity to ask the representative of Palestinian youths near, and on behalf of all my people I want to apologize for all the years we have been fighting ".

And he came, it seems that they shook hands and / or embraced the view of the people. And although paresca incredible, somehow partial cloudiness was becoming cloudy thunder did that sound ! and as I said my friend, until they rained a little!. That the sky and fell sound drops Hug then-Palestinian Jew in the eyes of the people excited LeGuin was really miraculous, and Carla told me she saw it all with their own eyes and of course all were marked (and wet). how not will be hopeful? How will not be as strong love?!

think that impresses me so close, in the same League, have been Jewish-Palestinian hugs on electrical and climatic excitement of the God who provides, yet few were able to witness that. It's like God is revealing secret underground hiding places. (Just yesterday in the Gospel of Jesus was transfigured in the light of a few) It seems that they are not really revealing the secrets of the wise but humble. That

Gaza, the Vatican, Israel, Palestine and all, look at this anecdote of the League as a clandestine love miracle happened in 2001.
celebrate this luminous hope this illegal and reconciliation as we hear little these chords (click here)
Incredible and until today, clandestine.