Thursday, January 29, 2009

Black Jordans With Pink

The secret of the paralyzed walk

told me a secret about humanity
About sink into the ground. About walking on water. About
talk to the dumb and happy and secret on the paralyzed walk

as in hiding on the swamp meet blind to look at the fine gold extracted paraplegic to applause are maimed. On how to see the invisible, and how the deaf hear the lively dance of the lame.
took me to see a secret behind the special children, trained to love,
in marginal edge of a world that forced us to be called "disabled" which has the miraculous ability to speak quietly and demolish concepts of supply and demand when he embraces. Without waiting for reward without treque, or loans.
is incredible. Called "disabled" by the fantastic "trained"

trained to build ads that frustrated desires of people trained
distribute consumer hunger and dissatisfaction, not bread
trained in competition with mention appearances in luxury cars and causing envy
trained in parenting materialism and status-hungry
trained to love their country and despise the neighbor, the stranger, the habit of another race and .
weapons trained on construction of a Masters massive destruction of women, children, plants and animals trained
stress, rejuvenating creams and social stereotypes to create fierce worth a stupid zoo called "qualified."

I return to the zoo Pontius cement "means of communication" Pilate at the head of the empire, crucify people to the sound of a decadent " call now to have a perfect body "
creating terrified snakes that use their talents to bite each other while climbing a mountain looking for gold, without any, are convinces them to "keep up ."

That dumb professor of language, the deaf teacher of music, the blind professor of art and physical education parplejico made me realize how limited I am, like many who see in the stupid hoydia television zoo able assumptions.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bskyb Dg934g Router Port Forwarding

Easter 2009 Christmas Party volunteers

domininarás Red Cross Branch celebrated last Saturday Moca their Christmas party for the volunteers who worked in the operating safe Christmas 2008. Among the prominent figures who shared with us are: The Civil Defense director, Colonel of the fire and the last Colonel of the national police in this city Mr. Nova Nova.

For my part want to congratulate the whole team that made an excellent job of this party was the best that has gone through the whole story.
Thanking all employers contributing a bit to get this party happen: Surtidora Gomez, Estacion Isla Vidal Lizardo including

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pregnant With Lack Of Urination

The narrow

I do not want give any explanations
the path I have chosen to walk.
And is that the world accepts only offenders
never actually make a difference.

I have lied many times in life.
This time I will not be fooled
and although all go down the wide avenue
know very well where I walk.

So I go by the narrow.
I go by the narrow.
I go by the narrow.
By narrow I go.

In this world where dreams are sold, to transcend
where you have to compromise,
I'm going with my guitar and my songs
because there are things I do not think negotiate.

If it is true that one is who shapes his destiny,
if it is true that the choice is free.
I will use my free will
because I know where I want to walk.

not asking you to put you on my side
not even understand my reason
that I know well that a deranged
Paresce you but do not walk alone, heart

and although I'm totally crazy scream
and laugh in my face
once again I say goodbye with a kiss Muac arrivederchi
someday we'll see if you come across

and you are all invited to the path
that although narrow, there is room for everyone
to give rein to hope
loose and life, eternal life

truth I can not promise rose garden roses
and if their spines will bring
but anyway, is the most beautiful adventure
and together let's get together
( Click to listen and see )

Kiki Troia, Argentine musician

How Many Calories In A Roma Pizza

course for new volunteers Gaspar Hernandez

Red Cross branch
Gaspar Hernandez held from 9 to 11 January during his first workshop to new 2008 Red Cross volunteers in the community of Veragua. This course taught the important issues first aid, dissemination, treatment of wounds of patients between others.This traumas.traslado course was taught by young Elinson and Joel Rafael Caceres Santos and attended by some 25 volunteers of that subsidiary. The efforts of its chairman Michael Carel and his magnificent team work and collaboration of parents in supporting the course made this course is taught in an excellent manner.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Estructura Lewis Clf2

Annual Stars 2009 - Flying Star Feng Shui-Forms-Looking

Where all beings converge and are catered Feng Shui ...
Why has the necessary tools that make it one of the systems most evolved Ecological the world.

by Esther Estevez

The following article offers you the chance to help yourself, harmonizing two sectors important in your home for 2009.

C in the mountains onversación

You ask me why
dwell in these hills green jade?
I smile. No words
express the stillness of my heart. That

peach flower carried by the stream of water!

live here
another realm beyond the world of men.




L energy as visitors annual interact with native energies of our chart Feng Shui. It is therefore important to first have the global analysis at feng shui of our spaces. On this occasion we will refer to the NORTH and SOUTH SECTOR since other sectors are strictly subject specific revisions.

Here I offer an illustration of a personalized annual harmonizer for the southern area affected during the Chinese year 2008, which ceased to be valid power shortly and that this 2009 occupied the northern sector of our homes and businesses.

L to review and study of annual energy custom-made, but all homes are alike these energies in the same sectors (north, south, east, west .. .)
is important to be clear that still arriving equally to all sectors of all households, the energy will behave differently, with own character. This behavior will not be the same from one house to another, so neither will use the same alignment for all houses except two specific sectors This year 2009 is related to the north and southeast.

E n 2009, more negative energy is located in the Northern Sector of our homes or business and the best energy in the southeast sector of OUR homes or businesses.

P ara counter and visitors to promote these two energies we will use the Elements: metal and fire. There is a wide variety of choice, then I offer some examples of charts on the choice of objects.



METAL ELEMENT to weaken the power NORTH negative.

E l can best metal chosen for this purpose is the B RONCE for its hardness and strength, preferably oval, round, round. We may also use a bell brass ring that many times do we see fit.
can also support the use of white for this sector.


FIRE ELEMENT to support energy EAST charity.

C smell red, triangular shape containing the red, a red object, even a cloth or red carpet. This item is recommended to use it in moderation (which previously having their comprehensive analysis feng shui if it finds that the energies that converge in this sector are negative, it is best to use fire as a small lamp this on day and night, this is because the red color on its own or a burning flame are very encouraging as a fire and can enhance both the good and less good).

Day February 4 we place our harmonizing avoiding the hours from 1 to 3 am - 13 to 15 hours and 17 to 19 hours.

A yudate the same / a but you can access a personalized study we encourage you to sectorizes r level of your home and locate areas north and southeast. This sectorization also help you , make better use of your personal guidance and avoid the less favorable.

The recommendations offered for the 2009 annual energy not a substitute for analysis custom global FENG SHUI, and do serve as useful aid which wish Obsequiarte .

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